Banner for the Town of Embden.

Town Clerk, Treasurer, Registrar of Voters

Christy Sockwell was appointed by the Select Board on January 2, 2020, to complete the term of the Town Clerk/Treasurer who was elected in March of 2018.

The Town Clerk’s office is located at 809 Embden Pond Road and is the official record keeper for the Town of Embden.  The Town Clerk maintains the safekeeping and preservation of Town Records, including but not limited to:

  • vital records (birth, marriage, death, and burial);
  • Board of Selectpersons’ records; and
  • other official Town documents

The Town Clerk is responsible for administering oaths, preparing the warrants and agenda for the Board of Selectpersons, licensing dogs, and issuing hunting and fishing licenses.  The Town Clerk oversees the administering of all municipal and state elections and voter registrations in accordance with Maine Law; and provides information on a variety of matters to the public.

It is the mission of the Municipal Clerk to provide excellent customer service and to serve the public in a courteous and friendly manner; and to give support to the Town Selectpersons, and the citizens of the Town of Embden by accurately recording and maintaining the proceedings of the Board and all town records.

Contact the Town Clerk at (207) 566-5551 ext.1, or email her at

The Town Clerk’s Office provides the following services

Vital Records

Recording Vital Statistics is the process of collecting data of all births, deaths, and marriages that occur in the municipality, or involve its residents, so that the permanent records may be preserved. State law requires hospitals, physicians, funeral directors, ministers, notary publics, and others to complete certificates of all marriages, births, and deaths in our municipality and file them with the Town Clerk promptly.

Effective July 12, 2010, the law preventing fraudulent use of vital records went into effect.  Maine’s law requires a person requesting a copy of birth records less than 75 years old, marriage records less than 50 years old, and death records less than 25 years old to provide documentation establishing their direct and legitimate interest in the records.  Please click on the links below for more specific information on obtaining these vital records.

The Maine Office of Vital Records does not permit or allow any records, whether certified or non-certified, to be faxed to any individual, business, or institution. If a person needs a certified record faxed to the airport for travel, that person must contact the Office of Vital Records in Augusta, Maine. Town Clerks may not fax certified or non-certified copies of any birth, death, or marriage unless the Office of Vital Records has given authorization to the Clerk.

Maine Office of Vital Records
Department of Health & Human Services
244 Water Street
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Telephone: (207) 287-3181 or Toll free 1-888-664-9491

Authorization to Release Record


Elections are a big part of the Town Clerk’s duties.  The Clerk oversees all election duties from registering residents to vote to the final tallies on election night.

All Embden residents vote at the Community Center (797 Embden Pond Road) for all elections.  Polls open at 8 am and close at 8 pm (for most elections).

Absentee voting is available 30-45 days prior to each local and State election.  Absentee voting for school budget validation referendums is available 10 days prior.  See online absentee voter request (for state elections only).

A voter must meet the following qualifications to vote in the municipality:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen;
  • Must be at least 18 years of age;
  • Must have established and must maintain a voting residence in that municipality;
  • Must be registered to vote in that municipality;
  • Must be enrolled in a party to vote at a caucus, convention or primary election.

Any citizen wishing to register to vote may do so at the Town Office during regular business hours.  Registration is also accepted at the polls on Election Day. See more information on voter registration.

Notary Services

A Notary Public is available during Town Office business hours.

Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Both resident and non-resident Hunting and Fishing licenses can be obtained at the Town Office or get a Maine fishing license online.

For a Hunting License, proof of a prior license of a like type or an appropriate Hunter Safety course is required for all hunters 16 years of age and older.

Fees are set by the State and may be paid by check or cash (make check out to: Town of Embden).

Current Fish Stocking Report

Dog Licenses

State law requires that all dogs be licensed in the municipality in which they reside.  All dogs 6 months and older must have a license.  If you become the owner of a dog 6 months or older, the dog MUST be licensed within 10 days.  All dog licenses expire on December 31st of each year. Renewal of licenses for the following year can be done at the Town Clerk’s Office beginning October 15th of each year.  All dog renewals must be completed by January 31 of the calendar year.  You will need the following information in order to register your dog:

  • Current State of Maine Rabies Certificate
  • Veterinarian’s name and phone number
  • Spay or Neuter Certificate (if your dog has been “fixed”)
  • Cash or check (make check out to: Town of Embden)

Dog & Kennel Licensing Fees Chart

  • Dog: Male/Female $11.00
  • Dog: Spay/Neuter $6.00
  • Kennel: 1-10 Dogs $42.00 (Each Kennel License is allowed up to 10 dogs)
  • Replacement Tag: $1.00
  • Transfer License: $1.00

(State of Maine mandated) Late Fees (After Jan. 31st ): $25.00 additional per dog

Selectboard Meetings & Work Sessions

Selectboard Meetings are on the first Thursday of the month at 6:15 pm. • Selectboard Work Sessions occur every Thursday at 5:30 pm.