Banner for the Town of Embden.

April 22nd and 23rd

The Town Office will be closed Monday April 22nd and will open at 10 a.m. on April 23rd.

I apologize for the inconvenience. The Clerk will be in training.  

April 4th and 5th

The Town Office will be closed Thursday the 4th due to the incoming weather.  The Selectboard meeting on the 4th has been rescheduled for next Thursday on the 11th.

The office will also be closed Friday the 5th.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Accepting Applications

The Town of Embden is now accepting applications for the following appointed positions.

Planning Board

Board of Appeals

Animal Control

Plumbing Inspector

E-911 Addressing Officer

General Assistance Officer

Code Enforcement Officer


Applications can be found on the Town Website or picked up at the Town Office.

All applications must be turned in by 6pm March 28th, 2024.

2024 New Building Permit Fees

This new schedule for fees will become effective April 1, 2024.    The Selectmen raised the fees for

building permits, etc. in order to bring the Town of Embden in line with other communities in the area.

Rural and Shoreland Residential Permits

(includes dwelling, garages, additions, sheds,

carports, decks and porches, and mobile

homes. Any construction over 200 square feet)          Min. Fee $100.00 or $0.25 per square foot.


Initial Applications                                                                $100.00

Preliminary Plan                                                            $50.00 per lot

Rest of fees set out in subdivision ordinance

for minor and major subdivisions


All buildings                                                                           Min. Fee $500 or $0.25 per square foot

Cellular Tower Permit                                                        $2,500.00

Additions to Tower                                                      $250.00

Addressing Fee                                                                    $0.00

New Entrance Fee                                                        $50.00

New driveway off public road

Solar Facility                                                                        Min. $2,500.00 plus $0.10 per square

                                                                                          Foot of panel area

Appeals                                                                          $250.00

Other fees:  Applicant pays the cost of legal notices, mailings,

copying, and any other costs associated with the permit review


Selectboard Meetings & Work Sessions

Selectboard Meetings are on the first Thursday of the month at 6:15 pm. • Selectboard Work Sessions occur every Thursday at 5:30 pm.