Banner for the Town of Embden.

Public Notice

The Town of Embden is currently accepting bids on the following properties:

Property # 1:  0.65-acre lot, more or less, map 020, lot 001. Minimum bid $20,000.00 Bids must be sealed in an envelope marked with the following, “Attn: Closed Real Estate Bid Property #1”.

Sealed bids will be accepted until 4 pm on June 16, 2021.  All bids will be publicly opened & read aloud at the June 17th Selectperson’s Meeting at 6:15. Please include bank check for 10 percent of bid & stamped, self-addressed return envelope.  The winner has 14 days to pay the balance.  The town will issue a quitclaim deed, no covenants, no warranties.  The winner will be responsible for paying the Transfer Tax and filing fees at the Registry of Deeds.  The Town of Embden reserves the right to reject all bids.  Contact the Town Clerk with any questions. 207-566-5551

Board of Appeals Hearing Notice

The inhabitants of the Town of Embden are advised of a public hearing by the Board of Appeals to be held Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 7PM at the Town Office. The Hearing is being held to hear a variance request within the shoreland zone.

John Duff
Embden Board of Appeals

Election Results from 4/9/21 Secret Ballot Election and Referendum

Select Person – Janice Welch – 106 votes

Clerk/Treasurer/Registrar – Christine Jablon – 112 votes

Road Commissioner– Michael Witham – 108 votes

RSU#74 School Board – Eric Ewing – 31 votes

The results from Article 26 are:

  • Josh Nunes – 61 votes
  • Perfect Pools & Landscaping – 41 votes
  • Nitram Excavation & General Contractor – 13 votes

The other 32 Articles in the Warrant passed

Accepting Applications

The Selectpersons are currently seeking applicants for:

  • Planning Board Member & Alternates
  • Appeals Board Members
  • Animal Control Officer
  • E-911 Addressing Officer
  • Emergency Management Directors
  • Code Enforcement Officer & Deputy
  • Local Plumbing Inspector & Deputy
  • Registrar
  • General Assistance

Applications must be received no later than 4 pm on April 13th.

Appointment will be made at the Board of Selectpersons Meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 15th at 6:15 pm.

Notice of Virtual Public Hearing Follow Up

THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 2021 @ 7:00 P.M.


Dear Citizens of the Town of Embden,

Due to the low attendance at the virtual public hearing on March 18th, 2021, the Municipal Officers of the Town of Embden have decided to allow a limited number of inhabitants due to building/attendance limitations to attend a follow up “question and answer” session for those who have read/viewed this year’s warrant and have questions.  Please sign up at the Town Office.  We will contact you via the method of communication that you choose.  Be advised that those without a computer or internet will be given the first available slots. The Town’s    Municipal Elections and Town meeting/budget referendum style vote by ballot will be held on April 9, 2021, from 8 am to 8 pm at the Embden Community Center.  Absentee ballots and 2020 Town reports are available.  Questions can also be presented via email and telephone until the day of the vote.   

Josh Nunes Introduction

Dear Embden Residents and Community Members,

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself and our company’s services to your community. My name is Josh Nunes and I am the owner and president of J.R. Nunes & Sons Excavation Inc.  We are a family owned, family run, multifaceted business with over 25 years of experience in providing Excavation and snow plowing services.  Since moving my wife and two young boys to the area in 2017, we have had the privilege of plowing for the towns of New Vineyard and Highland Plantation. We look forward to the opportunity to serve this community as well as become more connected with its residents.  Please consider my company for all your snow plowing and road clearing needs.

Thank you and my family and I appreciate your time.


Joshua R. Nunes, President

J.R. Nunes and Sons Excavation Inc.

Nitram Excavation Introduction

March 15th, 2021

To the Town of Embden Select Board & Town Residents,

Nitram Excavation has been plowing Maine roads for over 20 years and have been plowing the Town of Embden for the past nine years. We currently plow over 175 miles of roads across four towns and have nearly 30 plows trucks at our disposal to provide such services. We write this letter to shed some light on the reasons for the increase to the plowing contract for the next three years.

The increase to our bid was largely due to the cost of labor that it requires to perform the quality job that we hold ourselves to and that you have grown accustom to over the past decade. What some of you might not realize is the amount of time we dedicate to keeping the roads safe for travel. Our employees are on call 24/7 during the winter, including holidays and weekends which often keeps them away from home for days. We take pride in the fact that the residents of Embden can commute daily without concern for what we all know can be harsh winter conditions. To keep the roads safer, we have also increased the amount of salt in our budget to give us the ability to bare the roads as quickly as possible during storm events but also in between storms when the roads become icy. Another important point we believe to note is that we keep multiple spare plow trucks and loaders available at all times. This allows us to provide continuous service without interruption as we have learned over time that plow trucks always seem to breakdown at the most inconvenient times.

We thank you for the opportunity to provide you with our winter plowing services as your safety is our number one concern and we will be grateful if we are able to continue this going forward. We understand the increase is substantial compared to the last contract we performed under, and we hope the information within this letter helps understand why. This increase however, is within the current going rate for many towns that have rebid their plowing contracts within the past two years. In a “normal” year we would have attended the town meeting and answered any questions you folks would have had for us but since we are far from normal right now, we hope this letter can clear up some of the questions you might have had.

Thank you,
Scott Martin

Selectboard Meetings & Work Sessions

Selectboard Meetings are on the first Thursday of the month at 6:15 pm. • Selectboard Work Sessions occur every Thursday at 5:30 pm.