This new schedule for fees will become effective April 1, 2024. The Selectmen raised the fees for
building permits, etc. in order to bring the Town of Embden in line with other communities in the area.
Rural and Shoreland Residential Permits
(includes dwelling, garages, additions, sheds,
carports, decks and porches, and mobile
homes. Any construction over 200 square feet) Min. Fee $100.00 or $0.25 per square foot.
Initial Applications $100.00
Preliminary Plan $50.00 per lot
Rest of fees set out in subdivision ordinance
for minor and major subdivisions
All buildings Min. Fee $500 or $0.25 per square foot
Cellular Tower Permit $2,500.00
Additions to Tower $250.00
Addressing Fee $0.00
New Entrance Fee $50.00
New driveway off public road
Solar Facility Min. $2,500.00 plus $0.10 per square
Foot of panel area
Appeals $250.00
Other fees: Applicant pays the cost of legal notices, mailings,
copying, and any other costs associated with the permit review